Betty Beaumont has been referred to as one of the leading figures in environmental art. The Canadian born artist lives and works in the states. Beaumont graduated from Berkeley in the 70's with degrees in environment arts, as well as architecture.
Teddy Bear Island 1973
Teddy Bear Island is an underwater island; submerged due to the construction of a dam, nearby. The artist uses a fragmented space, resulting in the viewer's need to move around in order to see all aspects of the work. The intended experience of Teddy Bear Island, is to be one of an introspective nature. The viewer is to evaluate their personal belief systems due to the unique environment produced by Beaumont. The yellow cables are a metaphorical demarcation of the land. Beaumont's photography of the underwater scene evokes a sense of mystery. Beaumont wants to challenge socially constructed norms and does so by taking art outside of the typical gallery setting.
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